General terms of use (ANBs)

Status: 01.08.2021

The following terms of use govern the use of the Adragos Pharma GmbH website ( and its subsites.

By accessing and using the website, you declare your unrestricted agreement with these General Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as “TOS”).

Please read these TOS carefully before using the Adragos Pharma GmbH website or its subsites. By accessing or using the website you acknowledge that you have read and understood these TOS and agree to be legally bound by them to the same extent as by signing them.

Contents and liability

Although the contents of this website have been prepared with the greatest care, Adragos Pharma GmbH does not guarantee the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided.

Adragos Pharma GmbH is entitled to discontinue, change and/or delete the operation of the website in whole or in part at any time. For this reason, Adragos Pharma GmbH does not guarantee the uninterrupted availability of the website.

Although Adragos Pharma GmbH makes every effort to keep its website free of viruses, no guarantee can be given that it is virus-free.

Liability claims against Adragos Pharma GmbH relating to material or non-material damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded as a matter of principle, unless there is evidence of wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of Adragos Pharma GmbH.

References and links

Adragos Pharma GmbH, as content provider according to § 7 Telemediengesetz (TMG), is responsible for its “own content” that is made available for use according to general law. This own content must be distinguished from links to content provided by other providers. Adragos Pharma GmbH does not check the content of these external links. However, if Adragos Pharma GmbH discovers or is made aware by third parties that the content of the third party website or document to which a link has been established gives rise to civil or criminal liability, Adragos Pharma GmbH will immediately remove the reference to this offer.

Use and distribution of content

You may navigate the site at your own discretion and download materials provided at any time. All downloaded materials may only be used for personal, non-commercial purposes. Users are generally prohibited from processing, adopting, copying or otherwise using them in whole or in part for their own commercial purposes. Statistical data and/or other information outside the legal copyright may be used for editorial press work within reasonable limits, provided Adragos Pharma is named as the source. However, any further commercial and industrial use of this material (e.g. for statistical purposes) is expressly prohibited. Furthermore, it is pointed out that logos, video clips, films, photos, texts, business names and trademarks are protected by copyright and ancillary copyright laws. Their use is prohibited without exception.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

German law applies to these terms of use. Place of jurisdiction is Munich.


Should individual provisions be wholly or partially invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

