Choosing the Right Investors: Why It Matters

by Valeria Cardellini · October 8, 2024

I never set out to become the CEO of a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO). Like many things in life, the road to my current position was winding, unpredictable, and—only in hindsight—entirely logical. As a scientist, curiosity has always driven me more than a rigid career plan. That meant taking on new roles and frequently stepping outside my comfort zone. Looking back, this approach has not only shaped my journey for the better, but it was also surprisingly rewarding—and fun, in a “jump in and hope for the best” kind of way.

Over the years, I’ve played several roles: scientist, entrepreneur, consultant, manager, and investor. Each time, it felt a bit like diving into the deep end and figuring out how to swim. The experiences were powerful and formative, but yes, occasionally stressful (coffee helped).

Pharma Can Be a Force for Good—With the Right Values and Reach

My decision to work in pharma stems largely from a desire to make a tangible difference. Growing up in various African countries with my father, who was an engineer, I saw firsthand the devastating effects of limited healthcare access. It’s hard to forget watching people suffer—or worse, die—from diseases that were preventable, often with treatments that cost mere pennies.

Initially, I thought the answer was to develop the cure—during my Ph.D., for example, I worked on a malaria vaccine. But over time, I realized it’s also about scaling solutions and ensuring access to medicines, not just inventing new ones. I wanted to create solutions that mattered, at scale.

Scaling Without Diluting the Culture

Adragos was founded in 2020, which, depending on your perspective, was either bold or slightly mad. Either way, we started strong, initially with a small team and then grew to modest size up to the time to scale up fast. At that point, you think about bringing in investors that help you do this.

I like to believe that we’d built a very good culture in the small team. Even today, our team is ambitious and performance-driven, but not in a Darwinistic way. We focus on people’s strengths and fostering an energizing and collaborative environment, which unlocks productivity and ownership. That’s the kind of culture you want to preserve while growing the business—and it takes the right investors to support that vision.

Why Holding Out for the Right Investors Matters

So hence, if you have a good business, you normally find capital. But that alone is not enough. You need investors that complement your experiences (or the lack of in some areas) and share the same view on values and culture. So quickly you speak to private equity firms, they don’t just bring money; they bring insights, operational expertise, and a deep understanding of growth. In short, they know how to scale—because that’s what they do.

Given the importance of the culture we’d built and wanted to carry forth at Adragos, it was essential to find investors who fit. I wanted that sense of urgency private equity often brings, but without losing sight of who we are as a company. We took our time—these things are never a sprint—and after carefully narrowing down the field from many others, we chose FSN Capital, a mid-sized Norwegian fund. The cultural fit felt right, and looking back, especially as we partnered in the post-pandemic turmoil, I like to say that there hasn’t been a single week where I am not happy for having chosen them over others. In both the ups and downs, I know we’re in good hands with the right partners.

Living Your Values Is Always the Right Choice

At the end of the day, business—especially in the pharma sector, where you have the opportunity to save lives—is about much more than financials. It’s about impact.

I’m not one for clichés, but sticking to your values can be the difference between simply building a business and building a legacy. And when you find the right investors to walk that path with you, the long and sometimes bumpy road ahead becomes all the more rewarding, both professionally and personally.

So as last thought – run the numbers, look at all the sheets and metrics – but the most important counsellor you need to listen to: it’s your gut feel.


Dr. Andreas Raabe

Andreas started Adragos with the specific goal to build a leading global CDMO that would truly embody service mindset and a philosophy of partnership.

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